CPAP Devices

How many types of CPAP devices are there?

There are 2 main types of CPAP devices.

Automatic Positive Airway Pressure (APAP) devices can automatically adjust the pressure to be pumped through the tube. This is designed to be intuitive and can thereby adjust the pressure based on how much you require at each point.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) devices means that a fixed continuous air pressure is programmed to flow through the tube, without any auto-adjustment in pressure.

Both types of device work well for different needs. An APAP device costs more as it automatically adjusts to your needs dependent on what you need, whether they differ day to day, or even throughout the night. The CPAP device costs less, and may work well for those who are very stable in their condition and require less adjustments in their pressure settings.

Are all CPAP brands the same?

Technically, all CPAP devices regardless of the brand are designed to work the same way. However, as technology improves with new devices, there might be algorithm differences or slight technological differences. The noise volume for different devices of different brands may also differ. We only work with reputable brands with sound technology that will provide optimum results for the patient.

What is a BiPAP device? Is it similar to the CPAP device?

There is another type of device which is less commonly prescribed. This is the BiLevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP or BPAP) device. Like the CPAP devices, they are also a non-invasive form of treatment for Sleep Apnoea. However, BiPAP devices deliver two pressure settings instead of one.

In the BiPAP, one pressure setting is for inhalation (IPAP) and a lower pressure setting is for exhalation (EPAP). For some patients on CPAP, exhaling is uncomfortable because the constant pressure makes it difficult for them to breathe against. This is the case especially for those who require high pressures on CPAP. With a BiPAP device, the pressure can be set to a higher setting for inhalation in order to keep the airways open, but deliver a lower pressure during exhalation so the user can breathe out comfortably without feeling like they are fighting against the pressure.

BiPAP may be prescribed for patients who require high pressures but cannot get used to CPAP especially for exhalation. It can also be recommended to patients who require some breathing assistance, or for those who have congestive heart failure and other conditions affecting the heart and lungs.

How long will my CPAP device last?

The recommended lifespan of your CPAP device is about 5 years. However, many people who take care of their device well can continue using it beyond 5 years, provided they make sure it continues to function as it should. With technology constantly evolving to optimise CPAP therapy and provide more comfort to the user, it is a good idea to always be on the lookout for the latest devices and decide if it is worth upgrading your device. Especially as you use the device every night, and it brings you quality sleep.

Can I buy my CPAP device from overseas?

If your machine is a genuine product, it should technically operate the same way regardless of where you purchase from.

However, the warranty that comes with your machine may be void or not applicable. This is where you have to be very careful. The 5 year warranty for your CPAP machine only applies to devices that are TGA-approved for Australia.

So if you are looking to purchase a machine from overseas, your warranty may only be applicable in the country where you have purchased it from, meaning you will not be eligible for servicing or replacements of parts as required in Australia. You may have to cover your shipping fees to get it serviced overseas, or travel overseas to get the support you need. So you will have to decide if the costs and hassle are worth it, if and when you run into issues with your machine.

Our machines are all TGA-approved for Australia.

Do I need a humidifier with my CPAP device?

Humidifiers are designed to moisturise the air being delivered to your upper airways from the CPAP device. This provides more comfort as it can reduce some of the side effects of therapy, such as dry nose or nasal passage. Depending on your requirements, and whether you live in a humid or dry area, you would likely benefit from using a humidifier with your CPAP device.

What are the brands of CPAP Devices do we sell?

We sell genuine Fisher & Paykel , Philips and ResMed CPAP Devices.