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If you are not completely satisfied by the performance, simply return within 100 days of purchase.
End date: 31st October 2024

We Can Help You Find Your Ideal Machine

Complete a quick and easy quiz and we will recommend you the ideal device for you.

Does Your Device Needs A New Mask?

Don't forget to change your masks periodically to maintain your device top performance.

We can help you find your ideal machine

Looking for the best option? Take this short questionnaire to get the best recommendation.

Have you been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?

Do you have an active social life which may include weekly nights out, social drinking and irregular bedtimes?

Do you foresee your lifestyle going through changes in the near future which may impact your therapy, such as weight loss?

Do you want a smart auto-adjusting algorithm that follows your natural sleep pattern?

Are you looking for a modular device with a removable humidifier chamber or a device with an integrated humidifier?

Are you looking for a modular device with a removable humidifier chamber or a device with an integrated humidifier?

As this is a medical device, we advise that you seek medical help to confirm you are diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea before purchasing a device.

or check out out full range of products

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As a dedicated sleep apnoea therapy specialist, we care about your sleep health and therapy outcome. You can also take a quiz to get a recommendation of an ideal device from us.


Don't forget to change your masks periodically to maintain your device top performance.

Our Trusted Providers

Does your device needs a new mask?

Don't forget to change your masks periodically to maintain your device top performance.

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